Monday, December 08, 2008

i dont believe in fairy tales. but i want to believe in you.

we'll, ive finally turned 19
my last 'teen' year before i reach
the big two-zero.
hmmm, i guess its been the same.
nothing much has changed.
i mean, nothing much is soupose to change.
erm, yeah.
family was been quite cool.
gave me a mini celebration.
thanks for those who
did remember, even if u only knew
through the facebook alerts.

so, ivp is coming.
i dunno.
im not thinking ill get to play much
even if i get to play.
but, i guess its about the results
at the end of the day.
oh well.
ill make do with whatever i have
like always.
at im not making myself look desperate.
training is kinda hard.
not cos its been stepped up a level.
but cos we need to run more
since not many people are coming.
i realise i need better thights.
my nike-pro ones are not really helping allot.
maybe its time to get the 'SKINS' like
everyone is having.
or maybe just a smaller size for the
'nike-pro's will do the trick.

BTT is on friday...
better start studiying...
my dad's car is just there waiting for me
to drive it...

kk, thats all.
peace world

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